Publisher Service
With more than 16 years’ experience in the international performance marketing and affiliate business we know how to drive incremental sales for clients via SEA and shopping activities on a CPC and CPA basis.
How we work
As premium Google CSS partner we have the opportunity to optimise our own campaigns as publisher and get rewarded for every click and/or sale we drive via our own campaigns.
We are connected to European’s most important affiliate and performance networks as CSS shopping publisher.
Before we start driving incremental digital sales as a CSS shopping publisher, we always would like to agree on a shopping campaign strategy together with the client / merchant so that we don’t cannibalize the shopping campaign and really drive incremental sales via Google shopping.
For our publisher service we set up our own Merchant Center account, connect the product feed and use our own Google ads account, data and tools to accelerate the shopping campaigns to drive incremental sales on a performance metrics.
Please contact us to see how Buy Now Digital can drive incremental digital sales on a pure performance basis.